This project was designed with special focus on two gender transformation sub themes namely; women’s political participation and decision making as well as Gender Based Violence. The project, which was an eighteen months duration, was financially supported by UK Aid, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of Sweden and Royal Norwegian Embassy through the British Council as part of the Civil Society Support Program (CSSP II) strategic grant. The project had been implemented in partnership with Progynist, FAWE and Support for Sustainable Development (SSD) from November 1, 2019 to April 30, 2021 in different parts of the country. This include four Woredas of Yeka Sub City in Addis Ababa, nine kebeles of Dire Dawa City Administration, five kebeles of Debre Berhan in Amhara, Sheno and Aleletu Weredas Oromia, three woredas of Affar Region, two towns of Somali Regions as well as Gurage and Silte Zones of SNNPR.

Pro Pride had implemented this project in Dire Dawa City Administration as well as Shinile Zone of Somali Region. Since media was one of the major components of the project, the organization had produced and transmitted radio programs on women’s political participation and decision making, on issues related to gender transformation and COVID-19 and its implications on women and girls.
the project had provided capacity building trainings on various topics including networking, partnership and alliance building; awareness raising on women’s participation in national politics has been conducted, platforms for political dialogue with political parties have been organized. Awareness raising campaigns have been organized on COVID-19 using street promotion technique with banners and sound systems at community level in connection to March 8.This has observed stimulating community conversation groups to actively participate in the sessions.

Capacity building trainings have also been provided for media professionals and law enforcement bodies on gender and gender sensitive reporting as well as on the implications of COVID-19 on GBV and women political participation, and pertinent laws and practice. Capacity building trainings were also provided to Women organizations, members of other community structures such people with disability, PLHIV, etc.
In order to improve community response to gender based violence, the organization had supported large number of women and girls to conduct community dialogue in the intervention areas through 12 women volunteers, trained on gender based violence and facilitation skills and on the facilitators guide to ensure their effective engagement in the conversation sessions conducted among the communities of the target areas.

As part of this effort, and also to sensitize the communities on violence against women and girls and COVID 19 as a threat to public health, and on how they can protect themselves from the pandemic and its impacts, the organization had organized campaign in the intervention areas.
In collaboration with all partner organizations, Pro Pride had also developed and harmonized safeguarding policy to protect staff, children, women and other vulnerable or at risk groups from any form of abuse. The organization had also provided orientation to its staff members on the safeguarding policy and reporting of such cases.

The project had contributed in terms of enhancing community response to violations of women and girls rights and also in addressing gender based violence; increasing participation of women in politics and other decision-making positions; improve coordination and collaborative engagement of women’s right organizations particularly in the fight against GBV and improved implementation of existing laws and also engage in advocacy for protection of the rights of women and girls.