In the face of such complex crises, collaboration is essential. Therefore, Pro Pride, Progynist, and Emmanuel Development Association have come together to ensure that women are empowered to engage in various leadership capacities during humanitarian emergencies.

Through this initiative, we aim to achieve three key objectives:

1.       Enhancing Women’s Resilience: Equipping women to become resilient, peace negotiators, and defenders of human rights in and around Shewa Robit.

2.       Creating Support Institutions: Encouraging women to lead in establishing and strengthening institutions for women survivors of Gender-Based Violence, aiding in their healing from war-induced trauma.

3.       Economic Empowerment: Effectively improving the economic prospects of women whose livelihoods have been shattered by the conflict.

At the heart of our project is a commitment to empowering women, fostering resilience, and building a stronger, more inclusive community in Shewa Robit. Join us in making a difference and supporting women in crisis.