Community Outreach Program
Pro Pride has also been involving in the implementation of READ II program in partnership with Creative Associates International and with technical and financial support of USAID Ethiopia starting from March 1, 2019. The overall goal of READ II is to improve the reading proficiency and educational attainment of 15 million children by 2022. As one of the local organizations involved in the Program, Pro Pride has been undertaking different activities categorized under community, school and home-based components targeting early grader students enrolled in a total of 563 primary schools operating in three sub-cities of Addis Ababa and seven woredas of Amhara Region.

Starting from March 2019, the organization has recruited and trained a total of 2069 (1020 female and 1049 male) volunteer community literacy leaders from both Amhara and Addis Ababa on different topics to support children enrolled in 1,022 reading camps established around target schools. The large number of copies of supplementary reading materials have been made available to children through Creative Associates International to the children enrolled in all of these reading camps furnished with the necessary materials.