
Pro Pride had also implemented a girls’ education program in partnership with AED and financed by USAID in Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, and Oromia regions from 2005-to 2009. The program supported girls who completed upper primary education but were unable to continue secondary school education due to poverty. The girls were provided with scholarship support that include school uniforms, textbooks, exercise books, and other scholastic materials. They were also provided with tutorial and mentoring support by women volunteers who were successful in their academic and career achievements. Most of these girls were able to progress to college and universities and complete their tertiary education. Some of these girls have become successful women doctors, educators, lawyers, and engineers.

Transforming Education for Adults and Children in the Hinterlands” (TEACH II)

Pro Pride had also implemented “The TEACH II project in four Woredas of Somali Region from October 2012 to June 2015 in partnership with Pact Ethiopia and with the financial support of USAID. The program had supported more than 4,000 children and adults to acquire basic education under 28 ABECs. Recognizing the problem of shortage of water, low level of sanitation, and poor hygiene in the intervention areas, and its impact on the teaching and learning process in the ABECs, the project incorporated a WASH component to improve the health and sanitation of children and adults enrolled in the ABECs and the surrounding areas. Accordingly, the project had constructed 14 different types of water schemes, established and capacitated Water Scheme Caretaker Committees to ensure sustainable use of the WASH facilities and VIP latrines constructed to serve more than 8,472 learners, and community members of the intervention areas.

Improving Reading Skills Defining Childhood Dreams

Based on the long years of experience in the sector and to better respond to the current needs of early grade students in the primary schools, Pro Pride had designed and implemented a project promoting early grade reading among 200,000 students enrolled in 200 schools in East and West Gojjam Zones of Amhara region. This project was implemented in partnership with USAID and the Regional Education Bureau from October 2013 to April 2018. The project had enhanced the capacities of 4,070 mother tongue language teachers on the pedagogy of teaching reading skills, distributed 590,350 supplementary reading materials of 162 different titles, established 1,388 reading corners within classrooms, and created a conducive environment for reading via the establishment of reading centers and parks within schools and villages.

The organization had also implemented a project focusing on improving the reading and comprehension skills of early grade students from October 2013 to April 2018 in partnership with USAID benefiting about 200,000 students enrolled in 200 schools in East and West Gojam zones, Amhara region. This project was implemented in line with the current government priority of ensuring quality education at all levels. The project provided training on the pedagogy of teaching reading skills to 4,070 mother tongue language and no language subject teachers, distributed 590,350 supplementary reading materials with 162 different titles to increase access to reading materials, established 1,388 reading corners within classrooms, and created a conducive environment for reading via the establishment of reading centers and parks within schools and villages. Moreover, the project enhanced the engagement of major stakeholders including government, parents, and schools as well as PTAs using participatory approaches, media, and other strategies. The project has shown tangible results in improving the reading and comprehension skills of the target students, enhanced the engagement of parents, volunteers, and government structures. The outcomes of the project were highly recognized by the communities of the intervention areas, Regional Education Bureau, and Zonal Education departments as well as target woredas and schools.